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Research Agenda
My research areas focus on the intersection of supply chain management and technology. Specifically, I am interested in leveraging technology and data analytics to optimize supply chain performance and thus achieving operational excellence. I am fascinated by the potential of emerging technologies, such as blockchain, artificial intelligence (AI), and the Internet of Things (IoT), to revolutionize supply chain management.
Key Field of Interest : Green and Sustainable Supply Chains, Optimization, Operations Research, Smart Manufacturing, Digital Twins, Big Data Analytics.
# Publication from Undergraduate Project:
- “Managing supply chain performance using a real time Microsoft Power BI dashboard by action design research (ADR) method.” : Dewan Hafiz Nabil, Md. Habibur Rahman, Altaf HC, Dr. Brenno C. Menezes ( Published on Cogent Engineering Journal by Taylor & Francis **,**Volume: 10, Issue: 02, Pages : 1-19 ) |
10.1080/23311916.2023. **| 11 Citations |
- Abstract
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# Publication from Collaborative Work:
- “Exploring Blockchain Implementation Challenges for Sustainable Supply Chains: An Integrated Fuzzy TOPSIS-ISM Approach”: Md. Al Amin , Dewan Hafiz Nabil, Roberto Baldacci, Md. Habibur Rahman ( Published , Sustainability Journal by MDPI, Volume: 15, Issue: 18, Pages : 1-25 ) |
10.3390/su151813891 | 9 Citations |
- Abstract
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# Publication from Undergraduate Thesis:
- “Enhancing Resilience in Transnational E-Commerce Supply Chains: Critical Factors, Perspectives and Strategic Action Plan. “ Dewan Hafiz Nabil , Md. Habibur Rahman, Md. Al Amin (Undergraduate Thesis Paper, Published, Heliyon Journal by Cell Press) |
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e31274 | 3 Citations |